Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How many people have recently gone politically independent?

And what party did you leave?

Many of my friends and I are independent and have our own individual personalities and differences of opinion, but we can have intelligent polite conversations on politics without anyone screaming, name calling, and generally having a temper tantrum like a 3 year old.

I'm independent of any political party affiliation, because I see how many brainwashed kooks they produce and I actually like to know the truth about issues and not a totally one sided lie like I hear from so many people who are a member of some party. Some are like talking to some insane cult member if you have a differing opinion from them and only want to talk about facts, but they wind up insulting you, calling you names, and acting like a baby. I've had plenty of discussions with Republicans and Democrats and have run into many of the %26quot;our party is perfect and the other party is evil%26quot; kooks.

As for me? My political views aren't summarized by any one party and as best as I can label myself I would be somewhere between an Anarchist, Randian Libertarian, and atheist.

I did start as a Democrat back in the day, but as I learned more and the party changed so much that I left them. I don't have anything in common with them anymore! I mean they moved so far away from me ideologically that the Republicans are closer to how I am now! I'm not a follow the herd or what's trendy kind of guy and I question everything, because you can never just accept anything you hear as fact! I learned a lot from that affiliation and decided that the only clear and honest path is to be independent and free of all the social engineering that parties do that badly distorts one's reality.How many people have recently gone politically independent?I have been an independent for years. I vote for what I believe. Not what a party thinks I should believe.How many people have recently gone politically independent?I'm sticking with the GOP to see if we can bring it back to its roots, but if the answer is no, I won't stay forever.

(I wrote in Ron Paul for president.)How many people have recently gone politically independent?I am politically independent but my State (Commonwealth), Pennsylvania, only allows party members to participate in Primary elections. I used to be registered Independent but became frustrated having to sit out primariesHow many people have recently gone politically independent?I am a conservative and vote what I feel, but I sure did not vote for Obama!

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