Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How can I change my affiliation?

I'm registered as a Democrat. I was a staunch one not to long ago, but I'm seeing to many hypocrisies within the party in %26quot;Congress,%26quot; and I can't stand the Republican philosophy. I came across the Green party (independent), and their platform embodies everything that I agree with. How can I legally change my affiliation (registry)?How can I change my affiliation?You can change your party by filing a new voter registration form.

You can change as often as you like, but there is a deadline to register prior to an election.

The rules are different in each state.

Go to

Click %26quot;Voting and Elections:.How can I change my affiliation?LOL....

Really?How can I change my affiliation?Just call your county election board and they'll give you the info you need.How can I change my affiliation?contact the ''board of Elections%26quot;..........they have a formHow can I change my affiliation?One thing you can do is next time you have an election when you go vote you can always change it up there. But you can vote anyway you want regardless of what you are registered as.How can I change my affiliation?Most Americans vote by secret ballot regardless of affiliation.

You can register with the space alien party if you want to, but nobody will be checking to see who you actually voted for.

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