Friday, June 3, 2011

Why should I vote for McCain?

Please honest answers only. Republicans you have this chance to bring a Dem to your team.

I am a democrat and I%26#039;ve heard all the negative comments about Barack and liberal democrats from Republicans. So, i%26#039;d like to know what information you can give me about McCain and what he plans to do that would make me change my vote before Nov. 4.

I am honestly thinking of becoming an independent but want to consider republican party. I am a person who has some liberal beliefs and some conservative beliefs.

Since you all are always saying liberals are blinded by Barack - I want to know why I should even consider changing my vote or my party affiliation. How will McCain help me as a middle-class american and change this country for the better.

Negative rants or comments about Barack will not sway my vote in anyway. Why should I vote for McCain?I am amazed at how ugly people get when discussing the opposing candidate. Those who have said do your homework are right, this is what you need. I support McCain but I%26#039;m not going to bash Obama. Unfortunately all politicians say one thing for a vote and do what they want when they get into office. Although I%26#039;m registered Republican, I%26#039;m more independent. I have voted Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. My main thing is what they stand for.

Now, for why I%26#039;ll vote for McCain: I don%26#039;t like big government. McCain%26#039;s plan is to cut taxes and cut government spending. I agree with this. Although Obama also plans to %26quot;cut%26quot; taxes, it includes giving money to those who pay no taxes already. I think this unfair. I also know that %26quot;typically%26quot; Republicans are pro-military. And I know all the hard feelings on Iraq (my husband has been there), but I also know that we haven%26#039;t had an attack on our soil since 2001. As far as this economic mess is concerned, it started under Clinton%26#039;s watch. McCain tried to regulate (unlike what another answer said about the deregulation lie) Freddie Mac, and Fannie May a couple of years ago. I am dissappointed in him though that he didn%26#039;t have the leadership to get the bill passed. He is not another Bush although he is linked with him so often. Although I don%26#039;t agree with everything he stands for, I agree with him more than Obama. I would be proud to stand with an American who has survived torture to stand up for us, has a fair economic plan, wants to make America energy independent, and has sponsored legislation (some proven leadership). I don%26#039;t believe this can be said of Obama.

So do your homework. Go to independent websites, go to cspan, go to both of the parties websites and see what you agree with most. Good luck!Why should I vote for McCain?There is absolutely no reason you should vote for McCain. Vote for Obama.Why should I vote for McCain?I can%26#039;t think of a single reason to vote for McCainWhy should I vote for McCain?first off you shouldnt vote for mccain. there is a lot of neg. stuff about obama but i can bet you anything if he was white none of this would be said. you have to stand up for your party and research your own answer. mccain is running out of TIME and THINGS TO SAY so he bashes obama and last night at the debate...obama just brushed it off and made mccain look more like an old bas. that he is. research and make your own choice....thats the good thing about america!! :)Why should I vote for McCain?Obama wants to start all these new programs. Where is that money going to come from? Taxes, plain and simple. The people that are going to benefit from his tax plan are the ones who do not pay taxes already. Obama is going to socialize Health care and tell us who we can see. Fine us for not having insurance. He voted for the botched abortion and that it was Okay to kill the baby if born alive. That is why you should not vote for him. That is why you should vote for McCainWhy should I vote for McCain?you shouldnt

all he does is disrespect obama

and talk talk talk

Obama/Biden 08Why should I vote for McCain?Obama is the one who could handle to fix the our future economy to solve, end the war which it%26#039;s pointless and we spend billions billions dolars, it%26#039;s such waste a time for America%26#039;s economy.

and we invaded in Iraq because of Oil from Bush%26#039;s personal and Lie.

US Soldiers, and many innocent died from Bush%26#039;s lie, was it fair for them? NO

Does they knew Bush lied them to go a war with Iraq?

they doesn%26#039;t know, and we already knew that

We must to support for them, and healthcare for all , and has a plan to offers for students as an affordable college.

Obama won%26#039;t go a war with Iran, Russia and others cause he will go a diplomacy with them into peace.

Obama will kill Bin Laden and crush all Al Qaeda, There is a huge victory for the world.

There is only one way as a step to go on, then united states will embrace a huge peace for the whole world from Obama.

and McCain could die anytime and Palin would be president but it will huge catastrophy and terrible economy which Palin has no intellectual on foreign policy, world leaders and economy.

So how can Sarah can handle herself for this America while she has no intellectual on economy, and more as foreign policy?

it will go huge terrible for America%26#039;s future if she were elected with McCain.Why should I vote for McCain?Because you maybe a sperm cell that has yet to hit the egg and you are in the Belly of a Brainwashed follower., be born into knowing a old man calling himself a Maverick has messed up your yet to be social security..Why should I vote for McCain?You should vote for McCain because you want four more years of the same policies as President Bush.

Republicans stand for deregulation, and deregulation seems to be at the heart of the financial crisis. If you don%26#039;t want the government to interfere in the Financial Sector, vote McCain

Republicans stand for less taxes, but how are we supposed to pay for our debt if we do not raise at least some taxes on the very wealthy. If you don%26#039;t want any taxes, vote for McCain.

Republicans believe that there are too many entitlements. People should pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. What about those without bootstraps? If you don%26#039;t believe that the government should help those in need, with entitlements, vote for McCain.

Republicans believe in a large military. Currently the military is the largest portion of our budget/debt. If you believe that we have to spend more money on the military, vote for McCain.

I could go on, but will end it here.Why should I vote for McCain? There is no reason. If you watched the debate...McCain was a mess. He looked cranky and just restless. I really liked when Obama said healthcare is a RIGHT while McCain said it was a responsibility. No, healthcare is a right...just like we have the right to own a gun and the right to peacefully assemble...Americans should have the right to healthcare. Obama said, there is no reason why anyone should have to file for bankruptcy because of medical bills. Why should I vote for McCain?You should vote for McCain to take what%26#039;s been happening for the last eight years and extend it for another four.

But if you don%26#039;t like what%26#039;s been happening the last eight years, then Obama is your man.Why should I vote for McCain?I will not leave negative rants or comments about Obama, but I stand by my strongest beliefs. I vote for the unborn. See the pictures in this link. Does this not break your heart?Why should I vote for McCain?you shouldn%26#039;tWhy should I vote for McCain?Because you want to keep supporting the rich

Because you want someone else to tell you what to do with your body

Because you want to continue to see the government be controlled by corporate interests

Because you don%26#039;t care about the environment

Because you don%26#039;t care about education

Because you want to see the US stay in Iraq for 100 years

Because you want to take a chance on having a hick from Alaska running the countryWhy should I vote for McCain?Because Obama has has a chance to prove himself to this country while being a senator, and decided not to do much. What makes us think the Presidency will be different. He has always been as Hillary Clinton put it %26quot;all talk no action%26quot;. If we could put a good speech in our gas tank and drive he would be a great choice.Why should I vote for McCain?McCain has stated his tax plan fully, 5000 tax credit per family for health insurance, doubling the child exemption to 7000 per child, cutting tax on buisness from 35% to 25%.

He%26#039;s a patriot who works across the isle with Dem%26#039;s and he has the experience with world leaders.

I wrote a piece for my local paper that will print today on Obama%26#039;s Global Poverty Act, senate bill 2433. He will give the UN our money to give to third world countries to the tune of 845,000,000,000 dollars.

I would be happy to answer any further questions and you may e_mail if you like.Why should I vote for McCain?neither one of the candidates will do anything worthy of positve %26quot;change%26quot; once they%26#039;re elected. they%26#039;ll just maintain the status quo and help their washington buddies out. the campaign promises are mostly BS. mccain has 30+ yrs of politcal experience. obama has 20+ yrs of experience in the realm of %26quot;community organizing%26quot;. so technically, when it%26#039;s all on paper, mccain has more experience. that may or may not be a reason to vote for him. either way, from last night%26#039;s debate we%26#039;ve learned that they%26#039;re BOTH liars in a variety of aspects. so to each his own.Why should I vote for McCain?We have 3 and only 3 choices, vote for Qbama and turn this once wonderful country into a socialist Sodom and Gomorrah, vote for McCain and cut taxes ( mainly for us self employed slobs that pay federal income and self employment takes on our business that, if I am lucky, may just gross a tad over $250 K this year, or just don%26#039;t vote at all and get what we deserve.Why should I vote for McCain?As a Christian Republican, Im voting for Barack. McCain doesnt understand that the world has changed. Barack does. McCain panders to special interests, and his campaign is run by lobbyists. I dont trust McCain- hes not a safe pair of hands in these difficult times. As a Patriot, Im voting Democrat this time.

Why should I vote for McCain?I guess you are already an independent as you seem to think enough to ask for evidence and reason. An honest question deserves an honest answer. Here are my supporting points for McCain vs. what Obama has presented to us:

(1) Corporate tax. US companies pay a 35% corporate tax. McCain proposes to lower this to 25% on ALL companies, not just big oil as Obama keeps saying. Fair treatment across the board, unlike Obama. Plus, doing this will help keep companies in the US instead of relocating overseas where taxes are less.

(2) Tax issues. McCain will make the Bush tax cuts (for ALL Americans) permanent. Obama wants to let them expire and replace them with a credit that is less than what the tax cuts in place would be.

(3) McCain proposes a one year freeze on government spending (excepting what is necessary for keeping the country running) to weed out unnecessary programs that are costing the taxpayers. Obama wants to increase spending and create a larger government.

(4) Foreign issues. McCain wants to complete our mission in Iraq for the better, while increasing the contingent in Afghanistan to bring that to a close as well. Obama wants to leave Iraq, regardless of victory and throw all effort into Afghanistan only.

(5) McCain takes a hard stance with Iran (a 30 year enemy), while looking at diplpomacy with Pakistan (a quasi-ally). Obama promotes diplomacy with Iran and is willing to violate the borders of Pakistan if they do not do what we want them to (per his statement in the first debate).

(6) Excess spending. McCain does not and has not requested earmarks. Obama requested nearly a million a day so far as documented, until it became an issue, then he stopped.

(7) Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac problems. Both Bush and McCain were SUPPORTERS of increased regulation (Bush in 2003 and McCain as co-sponsor of bill in 2006) in this area. Obama is still blaming them both for a problem that they at least made an effort to avoid.

It may just be me, but I see more of an equality in McCain than in Obama. Mr. Obama seems to think that only the poor are worthy of notice and that if you are wealthy you are a criminal or morally depraved and should be punished with higher taxes.

The Warlock

Why should I vote for McCain?I can only give you my opinion and what little facts I know about him.He is the only one with the experience to do the job.I like his answers in the debate last night on what he plans to do about the economy ans Iraq the American workforce health care.I also think America would make the biggest mistake in history if they elect Obama.He has ties with some people I find do not have Americas best interest in mind..ex.Ayers, Write, Farkham .Also his ties with Acorn is a questionable friendship.I believe Acorn is 99% of our economy%26#039;s problem.McCain servied Many years in the Navy and 26 years in the senate.Obama said McCain voted against something 23 times.OMG !!! 23 times in 26 years???Obama has only been in the senate less than 7 years.How many votes has he cast that were not what we wanted or was best for us?Obama will not talk about his pre collage or collage days.What is he hideing?He said Ayers done the bombings when he (Obama was 8 years old.What the hell does that have to do with the fact he sat in Ayers house and planed his bid for something in 1995 when he was35 years old.His friend Ayers said on Sept 01 2001 that his regret on the bombings that he and his group had done is that he didn%26#039;t do more.Why does Obama ever addmit he made some mistakes?He isNOT repete NOT NOT the boy we should vote in to leed our Nation.AS for me in my opinion for what its worth I want a MAN as Persident of the United States of America.that has experience to leed .Not a boy that has never in his life done the things you and I have done like put in a hard days work,got our hands dirty servied in the Military.Had to wonder how we were going to feed our family or how to get to work or had to ever look for a job to go to,Has never had a job to lose stood in the unempolment or welfare line.McCain is an older man that has seen the up and down that we middel class American%26#039;s have had to live through.McCain has the balls to reach across the isle and get things done in a timely manner.He will fight for whats best for you and me.

McCain/Palin in 08. it%26#039;s the right ticket for getting America back and keeping her safe and out of the hands of terror

God bless America and God bless you.

Ps: Excuse my spelling I%26#039;m sorry for rambling on .I love America so much It hurts to even dream she would end up in the wrong hands. McCain is a year older than I%26#039;am and I have seen the best and worse of times America has been through. A vote for McCain/Palin will help return us to better times

Spell check isn%26#039;t working.Why should I vote for McCain?I think first and foremost you have to vote after YOU do the research.

What people on here tell you can be taken with a grain of salt. The Obamabots wear blinders and don%26#039;t listen to facts at all and to be truthful most of the independants and Republicans here are the same.

We have made up our minds and there is no changing them.

If you truly want to know the facts. Check many sites, look into archives of political fact. Find places to allow you to see voting records and watch the news. Remember though that most media is slanted for Obama.

I am an independant voting for McCain / Palin. The reasons for this are varied, but here are a few. He has much experience with congress and the senate, he has voted to protect the citizens from many bills that were laden with earmarks (the libs just say he voted against the bill but they dont%26#039; say why, usually it was because they had earmarked it so heavily it was to damaging) He does try to work with all parties and tries to get things done together instead of keeping the house divided. Even though he is wealthy (what politician isn%26#039;t) he has many things that keep him grounded in everyday life with everyday people, such as a wife that works with children that suffer facial deformities) he adopted a child from a 3rd world country with that same problem. He has a military history and understands suffering in many ways . He also understands that you can%26#039;t change the mind of a terrorist.

He knows foreign policy and will be respected by our enemies and the US has many.

Anyway, those are a few of the reasons I am voting for him.

No, I don%26#039;t love everything about him but I do respect him and his family and values. I also feel he has been more than open about his life and history even if it doesnt%26#039; help him.

I value honesty and he fits that bill for me.

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