Friday, June 3, 2011

What are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?

what specific things will your candidate do to address the concerns you have? I'm looking for specific issues, like economy, Oil Prices, Iraq, Healthcare, Taxes. Not Issues like race, Party affiliation, He loves america, he hates america. Also Change is not an issue because both candidates offer change, I want to know specifics. Maybe its time we start to change america by not looking for others to change it for us blindly, but maybe if we can engage and look for real solutions and elect politicians based on issues and looking for candidate that have real world solutions we can finnaly move past the BS bureacracy and better ourselves and our Country. So what are you biggest concerns and how will your candidate address your concerns? afterall isnt this how candidate should be choosen?What are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?Economy and the invasion on lies and Health care.What are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?My issue is How much will the price of gas be in 2 years if McCain wins?

Price of Gas was around $1.10 when Bill Clinton was in office 8 years ago.

It rose to $1.50 after the ENRON conspiracy.

It was around $2.00 before Bush invaded Iraq.

It was around $3.00 last year.

It is around $4.00 today.

Would it be less than $7.00 in two years if McCain wins?What are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?Oil. The US economy will buckle and implode if oil prices increase at the same rate they did under Bush.What are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?Verycomplicated. few people will answer this question.

A tip: do it again in a simple way.

Good luck.!What are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?I'm concerned about several things. Of course the Iraq war is my biggest concern. Why? Because if Obama is elected, every single soldier that bravely went into combat, and died, DIED FOR NOTHING. How can you claim to be a patriot when you don't let the soldiers fight, for what they believe in, and die for nothing. How is liberating a country that its citizens have never had any kind of freedom be wrong? And to label it American imperialism? How about you liberal toads bash Europe for destroying Africa. Pulling out of Iraq now would spin the entire country in chaos, the terrorists would return to Iraq, cause massive mayhem, and ruin everything every soldier in Iraq fought hard for. Support the troops on their mission. Obama doesn't know a damn thing about being a patriot, he hates American, attends a church that's sole purpose is to bash America. Obama doesn't even salute the flag.What are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?After 9/11 we should have closed our boarders %26amp; taken a good hard look at who is in our country. Deported anyone illegal %26amp; got all muslims out! The illegal immigration %26amp; mexicans making %26quot;anchor%26quot; babies is really bugging me! Stop handing mine %26amp; every other hard working Americans money to every tom dick %26amp; harry! Take care of our own people %26amp; take all these drug users %26amp; put them in Iraq. They'll clean up their act or get shot %26amp; die. That will save us alot. Wasteful gov. spending is out of hand! Obama will just add to it %26amp; also open up the white house to terrorist. You cannot negotiate with terrorism... it is not in their blood. Kill the cockaroaches. Any illegal wants in then they need to serve in our military for 10 yrs. Earn it!!!What are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?utopia is not to be had my friend the average voters vote for a candidate, by personal appeal, for those that say the economy, they should have to explain how the president, has any lasting effect on it, my major con cern, is national security, I believe john McCain, is best suited to keep%26quot;the hound from the door%26quot;, military people like McCain will be the least person to go to war, especially unnecessarily, but having him in charge may be a deterrent to rogues like Hugo Chavez and the twerp in Iran, although I believe the new president will be tested by radical islamists, soon after taking office, his response, will show the measure of his mettle and his acceptance by world leaders excluding the foreign pressWhat are the issues that Concern you the most and why? Also what specific things regarding those concerns....?I haven't decided on who will be %26quot;my candidate%26quot;. But, I have concerns that I am waiting for each candidate to specifically address with a plan before I decide. I am concerned about energy overall, gas prices, electricity shortages, natural gas supplies and water shortages. We need an energy policy that is inclusive of all of the natural resources we use that will guide us toward self-sufficiency. I'm concerned about the economy. I think outsourcing jobs to other countries has hurt Americans who are already struggling. I think we need a better educational system because no child left behind isn't working. Our children still aren't being prepared to compete in the global marketplace for high paying jobs, the dropout rates aren't even being tabulated and fewer kids can go on to college because the tuition is out of reach as aid is drying up. I'm saddened to see jobs that were middle class, tax paying, and skilled like in the trades (construction) and meat packing go to people who don't pay taxes and send billions back to their own countries of origin. We need a comprehensive immigration policy that doesn't reward people who disobey our laws and doesn't give scare resources like health care, education and social services to those who don't pay taxes. At the same time, we will have thousands of veterans who will require long term medical and mental health care. We must provide for them and make certain that they receive quality care as a reward for their service to our nation. My candidate would have a plan to do that and ensure them a means by which they can continue to contribute to society despite their war wounds. Health care is another major concern and the system needs an over haul. At the very least, those of us paying outrageous premiums, copays, deductibles, etc. should have the same tax deduction that business receives providing their portion of healthcare. Insurance companies should not have control over health care procedures, doctors and patients need to have that decision restored to them. My candidate would have a well thought out system which provides access, quality health care and reduces delivery costs by taking insurance and big pharma's financial interests and making them secondary to practicing good health care. And, my candidate would take a good look corporate compensation, special interests, banking regulations and how money buys influence in government. Opening a dialogue on these dark issues is the first step toward bringing forth a solution. We need a candidate who understands that it has been the American people who have been paying the taxes keeping our government running who have been short changed and it is time to focus on our own people, our own economy and the state of our own democracy.

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