Friday, June 3, 2011

How many of you are Libertarians?

I have seen a lot on here. Currently, I am a registered republican but have considered changing my political affiliation. I feel that Libertarians are more aligned with my ideals of govt. I also think the current political parties in power right now disgust me. (Both Dem and Repub)

What drew you to this party and Why?How many of you are Libertarians?It was the final realization that both the democrats and republicans are the party of big government. One wants to control you socially, the other economically.

It is as if you are dealing with a two headed monster in which one head is telling you that 2+2=4 while the other head argues that 2X2=4.

It was upon that realization that the democrats lost a party member.How many of you are Libertarians?Nothing drew me to the party because it doesn't represent authentic libertarianism as I define it.How many of you are Libertarians?I was a conservative but didn't like McCain, Palin or Bush.

That's when I discovered the Libertarian party. I'm probably a bit more moderate than some Libertarians when it comes to economics, and I do not like the Republicans' views on social issues.How many of you are Libertarians?I became a Libertarian because I feel we should dismantle the entire US government and start over from scratch using only the Constitution as law.

Business should be allowed to do whatever it wants.

The Military should hunker down on our borders and keep people out.

States should be able to make up their own rules.

Drugs should be legal.

And we should go back to wearing wigs and breeches ... because they are fabulous.How many of you are Libertarians?Like Robin Hood (the first poster), I became disillusioned with the two majority parties. The only difference between them is the fact that they have different names even though they represent the same thing--status quo.

Besides, the overall Libertarian platform make more sense when you examine their positions.
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